Application for Relicensure for Skilled Nursing Facilities

Applications and Fees

Credit card payment must be remitted at time of renewal application submission.

License Fee Schedule

License Fee   $ 10.00/per bed

Renewal Information

The North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services, Health Facilities Unit license expires each annual year on December 31st. Please review the online renewal and correct any inaccurate information, so that our database can be updated with your most current information.

Renewal Form Signatures

There will be 2 required signatures on the Application. The administrator of the facility shall not sign the Application unless he/she is also a board member. The Application must be signed by official(s) of the entity responsible for the operation of the facility. (If sole proprietorship, the owner shall sign the Application; if a corporation, two of its officers shall sign; if a state, county, or municipal unit, the Application is to be signed by the head of the department having jurisdiction over the facility.)

Floor Plan

Please have a floor plan ready to be uploaded into the renewal form as this is required.

Renewal Approval Process

Once you have submitted the renewal form, it will be sent for approval. Once the renewal form has been reviewed and approved, the contact for the facility will receive an email letting them know it has been approved. The facility may then go to the website and print an updated license. The license will reflect the updated expiration date.